Eliza Kern, over at GigaOM:
Dots, the super-addictive iOS game from Betaworks that launched just two weeks ago, has already hit 100 million games played, Betaworks told us. The game came out of experimentations with iOS interactions and designs, and it’s sort of like a mobile version of Connect Four. The main screen on Dots displays 36 colored dots that users have to connect to remove from the screen, and the simplicity of the game’s design emphasizes the flat aesthetic that’s become popular in mobile design recently.
If you haven't played this game yet, you should try it out now. It is really that good. It's an excellent example of a game that emphasizes excellent gameplay mechanics over glitzy graphics. Don't misunderstand that statement, though; the visual, audio, and tactile design are well done (yet simple).
By the way, there is a strategy guide for the game: http://qz.com/82987/the-ultimate-dots-strategy-guide/